What is corporate sustainability?

Corporate sustainability refers to a management model that differs from the "traditional" as it is driven not only from the economic dimension but puts sustainability at the forefront. Corporate sustainability seeks to produce long-term stakeholder value by implementing a company plan that emphasizes the ethical, social, environmental, cultural, and economic aspects of conducting business.

Read below our articles on corporate sustainability to understand how to leverage it for your business.

Corporate sustainability

What is climate finance and how it can impact our business

Climate change poses significant risks to businesses around the world. Extreme weather events, such as floods, droughts, and hurricanes, can disrupt supply chains and cause widespread damage to infrastructure. Rising sea levels can threaten coastal properties and infrastructure, while increasing temperatures can impact worker health and productivity. Failure to address these risks by companies leads them to lose market share and profits, as consumers and investors demand more environmentally responsible practices.

Corporate sustainability

Combining smart digital & sustainable solutions to change the market paradigm

The banking sector has a transformative role to play as a catalyst and enabler of a systemic acceleration towards a more sustainable economy, with the challenging mission of rapidly inducing change in consumer, lender and investor behaviour, and perhaps more importantly, in the broader society as a whole. The Horizon 2020 Energy Efficient Mortgages Initiative (EEMI) Bauhaus model is intended to support this process and build a new methodological approach to propose a strategic harmonic roadmap to accelerate the green and social transition.
