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ESG: Don't Just Complain, Capitalize it!

Companies that have undergone an ESG assessment have multiple benefits and quickly develop a competitive advantage over those who haven't taken it yet.

Synesgy's ESG assessment can provide your company with two main advantages:

  • Synesgy Grows your business' revenue
  • Synesgy Catalogs your ESG Data
Synesgy boosts your revenue Synesgy Categorizes your data


How Synesgy can grow your revenue?

Synesgy's ESG Assessment protects your business and profits by screening your company and supply chain.

Synesgy is the global ESG digital platform specializing in supply chain screening, allowing you to detect preventively issues that can disrupt your business such as:

  • Your company or suppliers may be at risk of non-compliance with environmental and social regulations, leading to costly legal penalties and damaging your reputation.
  • Inefficient resource management in your operations or those of your suppliers can result in increased costs, reduced margins, and potential revenue loss.
  • Hidden supply chain risks, such as unethical practices, quality issues, or lack of transparency, can harm your business. Synesgy helps you uncover and address these risks before they affect your operations.

How improving ESG performance can protect your profits?

At CRIF, the parent company of Synesgy, we decided to put the principles of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) to the test within our own organization before advocating them to our partners and clients. Since 2012, we have implemented ESG practices that are advantageous for our company and fundamental for achieving long-term business sustainability and resilience in an evolving market.

Over the years, we have seen firsthand the impact of prioritizing ESG. CRIF has undergone substantial growth, which, as a company specializing in business information, has meant expanding our global footprint, increasing office spaces, and scaling up our IT infrastructure and web farms. While this growth has been positive, it has also resulted in a notable increase in our energy consumption year after year.

This experience has reinforced our understanding that adopting ESG principles is not just about compliance or reputation — it’s about actively managing the resources that sustain our growth. By integrating ESG into our core strategy, we are not only reducing our environmental impact but also ensuring that our expansion is sustainable and responsible for the long term.

Better for the environment and our CRIF efficiency

ESG is a win-win for everyone, the environment and your business. We can proudly say that for CRIF this has been especially true. Here are the key highlights of our office's savings in electricity and gas consumption.


Our Achievements in Energy Savings

Electric Energy Electric Energy Consumption
Reduced by 48.7%
Gas Consumption Gas Consumption
Reduced by 73.3%


Planning an ESG strategy with short, medium, and long-term goals is essential for CRIF to ensure that the adoption of sustainable practices is effective and continuous over time. This approach allows for constant monitoring of progress, adapting initiatives to emerging needs, and ensuring that the implemented measures generate a positive impact both economically and environmentally.

Synesgy helps businesses of any size

Synesgy is a tool tailored for any business size. With 3 questionnaires tailored for Small, Medium, and Large enterprises, we can cater to the most diverse needs. Discover below some of the SMEs enterprises we helped and with which large companies & banks we collaborated.

Synesgy Partners Carousel

Large Companies & Banks

Around 10% of the companies that relied on Synesgy to assess their supply chain are in financial & real estate industry

Synesgy's ESG Assessment can also help you access funding.

In addition to protecting profits, Synesgy's ESG Certificate will facilitate access to funding and increase the likelihood of winning more tenders. The ESG Certificate is a statement that the company has proven to be virtuous and committed to positively impacting the world.

Multiple banks, such as Artemis Credit Bureau, have started taking into account companies committed to green projects and sustainability practices.

This will ultimately benefit your business and ultimately grow your revenue.

Case Study: Artemis Credit Bureau

In collaboration with Artemis Credit Bureau, the Association of Cyprus Banks, its member banks, and ICAP CRIF S.A. (part of the global CRIF S.p.A. Group), we have introduced a vital infrastructure initiative focused on ESG business assessment.

This initiative is known as “The Interbank Project for the Assessment of Businesses Based on ESG Criteria in the Cypriot Market”. The Project aims to create the imperative application of ESG regulatory obligations in the business and banking sector.

Synesgy platform was chosen as the evaluation model. The evaluation of the portfolio of Cypriot Banks, in terms of "Basel Pillar III Disclosure" regarding the calculation of the carbon footprint, the "transition risk" and the calculation of risk from natural disasters in Cyprus businesses. Therefore, companies in Cyprus can complete a comprehensive questionnaire designed to assess their sustainability practices.

Artemis will share with Banks the ESG profile obtained through the Synesgy ESG Assessment, on top of the credit risk profile, so that they can include ESG in their new loan origination process.

Companies with a valid Synesgy ESG Certificate, with ESG Score and Action Plan, or undergoing the Synesgy ESG Assessment can prove their ESG performance and commitment to sustainability, increasing their likelihood of receiving a loan or a more convenient interest rate.

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Synesgy Catalog your data


Most companies have the data to track their ESG performances, but almost none knows how to use and structure them.

Synesgy streamlines your data from unstructured to structured. We love calling Synesgy the Puzzle-solver. Companies' data are a jumbled pile of puzzle pieces, that Synesgy ESG Assessment turns into a coherent picture.

Synesgy the puzzle-solver of your data

Synesgy puzzle-solver of your data

The Synesgy ESG Assessment is created so that while you fill it in, you will also be cataloging your data in a structured manner.


From chaotic data to clear insight

Synesgy's platform can be seen as a data catalogator. Thanks to our questionnaire we ask the right questions necessary to transform your data into clear insight, summarized in an ESG Report and live dashboards. These can be integrated with the action plan provided to define clear actions and priorities aimed at improving ESG Performances.


Sign up for our service, get the assessment, and get some clarity on your ESG profile.


Data are key to mitigate ESG Risks

ESG risks span a vast spectrum, encompassing environmental, social, and governance dimensions, each presenting unique challenges and requiring a specific approach for effective management. Integrating ESG data into risk management is a multifaceted process that enhances an organization's ability to identify, assess, and mitigate risks associated with ESG factors. Data-driven management of ESG risks is a strategic imperative that transcends compliance, offering a framework for sustainable, resilient business practices. By harnessing data, organizations can gain a nuanced understanding of their ESG landscape, enabling informed decision-making and strategic alignment with global sustainability goals.

If you would like to know more, check out the Article Managing and Reducing ESG Risks with Data published on the ESG Guide, Synesgy's ESG Blog.

Categorize your ESG Data with Synesgy

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