Green Business

Carbon footprint

While it is true that today ESG issues—Environmental, Social, and Governance characteristics inherent in every type of business—are increasingly high on the agendas of major organizations' boards, the carbon footprint remains one of the most important concerns in the field of sustainability.


EU Taxonomy

When someone, for the first time, meets the word "Taxonomy," generally comes up against a wall, imagining a complex structure that only professionals of the sector can decipher.

Legislative framework

Green asset Ratio (GAR)

In the new framework defined by the European Taxonomy, with regard to the rules and objectives for classifying business activities that are considered environmentally, socially, and governance sustainable, a prominent point much discussed at the moment, especially in the financial world, is covered by Article 8 of the Taxonomy.

Green Business

How to identify the right sustainability KPIs

Measuring sustainability performances is becoming increasingly important for both large corporations and SMEs. On one hand, obtaining ESG certification opens several business opportunities for companies, relating to funding, partnerships and service offering. On the other hand, measuring ESG performances can be a difficult journey, especially for SMEs which, however, cannot back down from this challenge. The European Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), in fact, has extended the obligation to produce a sustainability report also to SMEs listed on one of the Member States' markets.
